June was busy. June was REALLY busy. It’s kind of crazy but as
of right now I’ve forgotten a few of our trips and adventures because they just
don’t stop happening. That’s not a bad thing and it’s most definitely not a
complaint. So, out of order of everything else we’ve done, here is our 2017 4th
of July.
We had such a chill weekend. Rich has his run up Mt. Fuji coming
up and on top of that, he was selected to represent the Pacific Air Force bases
in the Air Force Marathon. He is on a team of 5. It’s a pretty big honor so he
has been doing some rigorous training in preparation for it. Sooooo, all that
said, with all of the trips we’ve been taking and his training and work, he has
been exhausted. We wanted to just relax so we went up to Okuma and did
absolutely nothing but bum around on the beach. I think I took a total of 10
At one point, Aidan came bounding out of the water, grabbing on
to his arm and side. Maya came out after him saying that she touched the top of
a jelly fish.
Poor think, his sting looked pretty painful!
The culprit was captured and set out on the rocks to soak up
some rays.
I went to get him something for the sting but by the time I got
back he was back in the water!
So, that was pretty much the extent of our 4th. On the actual
4th of July we were back home. We grilled and then went to the movie theater to
watch Despicable Me 3. I often think to myself, not just on the 4th of July but
often, how grateful and blessed we are to be from America. I’m grateful to be a
military family and to be stationed in Okinawa. Seeing many parts of Asia has
made me appreciate our freedoms more than I could have imagined. Especially our
recent trip to South Korea during all of the craziness that was going on in
North Korea. Freedoms that we take for granted regularly are what dreams are
made of for those oppressed in North Korea. While I give prayers of thanks for
my freedoms, with the same breath, I pray that others can enjoy the same
freedoms I do.
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