Where has the time gone?!?! Keeping up with life and this blog has felt completely impossible but I guess that just means we are really living, right? When I think of all of the posts I need to write I get overwhelmed. We have done and seen so many incredible things since my last post including traveling to Thailand, Cambodia and back to Korea! Rich and the kids have had so many incredible accomplishments that I've failed to post because I felt like I needed to write about our trips first. I'm changing my ways and I'm going to allow myself to make 'everyday life' posts before life passes me by and the memories fade.
December and January were filled with trips and recovering from trips so I will start in February. We started the month with a day off of school and warm enough weather for our first beach day! We went to Maeda Flats.
We followed our perfect beach day with our favorite Family Mart snacks.
February also marked the beginning of the blooming of the cherry blossoms in Okinawa. We don't have very many sakura in Okinawa but the few that we do have sure are beautiful!
Aidan and Maya tested for their 2nd stripe on their green belt and did such a great job.
We took advantage of the cool weather and spent a weekend camping at Okuma. It was so nice! Cool enough to camp but warm enough to enjoy the beach too. We are going to miss our happy place!
Okuma has the most beautifully breathtaking sunsets. Pictures just don't do it justice.
Woke up to Arabella being the best big sister.
We had been looking forward to going whale watching for a really long time and it was finally time for it to happen! We got up early on a crisp morning and boarded the boat along with 3 other families.
We rode out over lots of waves for about an hour in search of the whales. This was the last picture I took on that day.
Were whales spotted? Yes, they were! Did I see them? No, no I didn't.
The moment the boat stopped I started puking. I puked and puked over and
over again for the entire 2 1/2 hours we were out looking for whales. I was joined by Rich, Arabella, Eva and over half of the other passengers. It was the most horrible experience ever! Whale watching was NOT a success for us.
We had a month filled with a lot of our usual happenings like our Baker Sunday Selfie's
pizza~ice cream~movie night

Hashiren Ramen
And trips to the banana stand.
Then, there are always those exciting moments like getting to hold a snake at church...
Aidan making the Honor Roll!
Oh, and of course there's that time when I though Eva had snuck out of the house so my neighborhood friends helped me canvas the neighborhood and encouraged me to stay calm when I wanted to call security forces. Knowing it wasn't like Eva to just take off like that, they encouraged me to check my house one more time. I found her asleep in the tiny area between the washer/dryer and the closet doors. She added a few greys to my growing collection.
What a great month we enjoyed!