I hope you are ready for a
LOOOOONG post with
LOOOOOOTS of pictures! This vacation was a blast! We drove 10 1/2 hours north to
Seagrove, FL and met up with Rich's family for a week long vacation. This was the view from our condo. Pretty sure we got the best one.

The kids made themselves at home right away.

Unfortunately, we had to put a stop to this cuteness. Didn't want them to knock anything over:(

We were the lucky ones that got to bunk with Rich's parents. Love them!
Everybody was bummed that there was a ridiculous amount of "sea grass" in the water. It didn't stop them from going out there and making the best of it every day! I stayed in the condo with Arabella while everybody was at the beach because trachs and sand just don't mix.

Since we couldn't spend all day at the beach we spent a lot of time at the pool!

I don't think anybody minded. It was an awesome pool.

Maya loves to...



To change things up a little bit we hit up an awesome place called Wilder's World.

Not only did it have tons of fun things to bounce on and slide down...

It had the best toys!

When they got tired of bouncing they did a little bowling :)

Fun time.

Later that day we went down to Seaside. This is the town where the movie "Truman Show" was filmed. It was such a fun, cute little town.

Strolling down the streets of Seaside.

Maya loved finding shells.

We had a fun time at that beach.

Ultimately we decided that we definitely made the right decision by moving to Ft. Lauderdale. We love everything about our life out here and wouldn't change any of it for the world.