Sometimes, the every day happenings get lost amongst all of the big events and trips. Here is a reminder for me of how great the little moments are too.
Sunday selfie from when dad was on a TDY.

Arabella loves to read to Eva. They fight 50% of the time and play really well the other 50% so I would say they have found a good balance, haha!

Every day, Eva asks me if she can have a “mimp”. She is a “mimp” addict.

I love how she only drew our heads!

This made me laugh! Maya drew this of the time Aidan got stung by a jellyfish at Okuma😂
Maya and I went to her first Women’s conference, last month. It was such a special experience sharing that with her and watching her take notes of the things she wanted to remember. Love my sweet, spiritual girl!

I don’t always write notes in the kids lunch but this particular day I did and I’m not even sure why I took a picture of it. Now, I’m grateful I did because on this day, right before lunch, Aidan had a bad experience at recess. I was grateful that he had a note from me that reminded him of my love. I should do this more often.

We got a surprise in the mail from our mainland friends! Last year, we hosted a little boy named Shota and fell in love with his family. His mom sent us fresh Udon noodles and these beautiful little sugar drops! We are excited to see them again in January.

One of the biggest perks of Rich being a pharmacist is that I can drop Eva off at the pharmacy if I or one of the kids has an appointment in the clinic. I love this perk. I also love the markers they give her to draw with...only in a pharmacy😂

Sweet big brother carrying his not so little sister because she fell and scraped her knees.
This is not an uncommon sight in Okinawa. Gotta protect that skin!

A few weeks ago we went to the beach for FHE with a bunch of families from our branch. Eva is such a social little butterfly and just loves attention from pretty strangers. She spotted these two couples watching the sunset and slowly made her way up to them. Before we knew it, the two girls had abandoned their dates and were talking to Eva, playing with her hair and catching crabs with her. It was the cutest!

Eva loves to do her makeup. She asked me, is there too much on it, mom? Nope! It’s perfect, baby.

She is my favorite lunch date, every day.
Our Oki pumpkin patch😂