It has literally been almost a year since my last post. I can't believe how quickly that time has passed and how much has happened! While it is nearly impossible to document everything that has happened in the past 12 months, hitting some highlights is a MUST. We took the trip of a lifetime to Thailand and Cambodia and revisited Korea. We traded in our exotic, tropical island life in Okinawa for a new country home is small town Oklahoma. We are settled in and the kids are thriving.
Quickly, our here and now...
We are stationed in Altus, Oklahoma. We bought our very first house out in the country in the town of Blair. The kids all go to a tiny school called Navajo where the teachers drive the buses and greet your kids by name every morning. It was tough for Aidan and Maya to adjust to the strict rules and consequences and the more demanding curriculum but they have and are both not hating school any more. That's a lie. Aidan will always hate school, lol!
Aidan's alarm, haha!

Aidan's alarm, haha!
We got some answers for our medical concerns with Arabella. We would still like to see a neurologist at the children's hospital to verify some things with her hyper flexible joints, especially her ankles, but for now she is going to physical therapy to strengthen her ankles. Hopefully she won't fall or twist her ankle nearly as often as she gets stronger.
Eva had surgery to fix her leaking g-tube stoma. Unfortunately, that didn't go as planned. It didn't heal properly and ended up opening up and it has now been a 3+ week of doing wound care and waiting for it to heal up. She missed going to school and playing with her friends for 3 weeks but finally got to the point where she could go back. It is doing much better but she still has at least 2-3 weeks left of healing.
Rich is absolutely loving his job. He is the flight commander of the pharmacy and he has a great team. While we were slightly upset when we got our orders to Altus AFB, there is no doubt that this is where we were meant to be. We are so happy and this pace of life is exactly what we needed. We are still settling in and trying to not let life get the best of us but it has been nice to not have a million distractions. Life is becoming more simple and that is what we all needed at this stage in our lives.
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