September 27, 2019

Lily Girl

I know I always said that Eva completed our family but I was wrong. This past April, after years of waiting until it was the right time in our lives, we got a puppy!

Lily is a miniature Labradoodle.

 This first few weeks she completely flipped my whole world upside down and I was really regretting agreeing to this whole puppy thing. She isn't potty trained, chewed on everything and everyone and was just a huge adjustment for me. I binged training videos and obsessively followed puppy advice groups on Facebook. I ate, drank and slept puppy related everything! It payed off.

Lily is incredibly smart and quickly learned the concept of ringing the bell to go potty.

Day 1 of bell training

Day 2 of bell training

It still took her a couple of months  to be completely accident free but today she is 100% potty trained.

We've been having some fun teaching her tricks and she's a really fast learner. She can sit, stay, lie down, leave it, jump, shake hands and go to bed.

She is still a puppy so she isn't always obedient when I call her, especially when she's overly excited and chasing the chickens.

We've been so blessed to have such a great puppy join our family and we love her so much!  She's been so blessed to be loved by two families. The Hiatt's watched her for us the first time when she was just 4 months old. They fell in love with her and she loved them right back. They've become her second family and we share custody, lol!

The Hiatt's playing "let's see who Lily attacks first"

She LOVES her walks.

We love our Lily!


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