March 29, 2008
Yum, Yum, Yum
March 15, 2008
Firsts in the NICU (week 2)
I was thinking about our first few weeks with Aidan and how special every little thing was. The first time I heard him cry he was about 2 weeks old. I know it sounds crazy but I can't wait until the day that I will be able to hear him cry again. Because of his trach he makes no sound but he tries. He makes up for his inability to communicate vocally by his facial expressions.
The next first that we got to experience in the NICU was holding him. This was the most exciting moment EVER! I didn't get to hold him after he was born and during my long days sitting next to his bed there was nothing I wanted to do more. This exciting moment came at the end of the second week. It was long over due.
Holding him for the first time was very emotional. I was nervous about all of the cords, worried that I would pull something out. I didn't and neither did Rich. It was a special and sacred time. About a week after the first time they let us hold him the doctor wrote in an order saying that we could hold him once a day. I always made sure it was right after he ate so that I could hold him for the full 3 hours before his next feeding. What a treasure he is.
March 14, 2008
Our typical luck
We made a special trip to St. Louis about a month ago to take Aidan to see a specialist for his trach. Our appointment was at 1:00. We were about 10 minutes from the hospital at 12:40 when this happened.
Lucky for us help was on the way.
Thank you Vincent!
March 8, 2008
So much to say
He is always making me laugh. About a month ago I put him in his crib for nap time and he apparently didn't want to go to sleep because I heard him toss and turn and then when I turned around he was peeking over his crib! I started laughing because this was the first time that he had done this and he was really struggling to look over it but he just kept straining
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