Well since it's been such a long time since
I've updated my blog there is just tons to say. Aidan is doing great! As of 2 weeks ago he eats baby food!!
Ok so it's not a lot but
at least he's eating some. So far the only baby food that I have found that he likes is green beans. Not just any green beans it has to be Natures Goodness green beans. What a picky boy! Last week our goal was 10 bites a day and he did that every day so this week our goal is 12 bites a day. Today he took 18 bites! I love our new speech therapist. She is amazing. I am so happy to see him get excited about eating because it gives me hope that he will be an oral feeder.
He is always making me laugh. About a month ago I put him in his crib for nap time and he apparently didn't want to go to sleep because I heard him toss and turn and then when I turned around he was peeking over his crib! I started laughing because this was the first time that he had done this and he was really struggling to look over it but he just kept straining

and peeking over at me. He does it all of the time now. I love it. A couple of weeks ago we went to hang out with my mom in
Branson and my sister and
Josalynn went too. Aidan and
Josalynn absolutely love
eachother. I think
Josalynn actually liked Aidan more when he wasn't as active as he is now. Now they poke
each others eyes and pull
each others hair. They even try to steal
each others toys. In this picture
Josalynn was enjoying her vitamins and Aidan was trying to take them from her. He did eventually succeed. There is much much more to write about and I will be better at updating. Quick update on me...I'm due September 16! I've been having terrible heartburn and
I'm still tired a lot but other than that life is grand!
Too cute! How old is Aiden? It seems like he and the twins are in the same phase. Nothing makes a toy more desirable than for it to be in the hands of the other baby! Good luck with the heartburn...that usually hits me the last 3 months and super sucks! I should have taken out stock in Tums for the last pregnancy. I am due Sept. 4, so we are doing this together! Do you have morning sickness? I am so ready for that to be over.
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