Well it's not the best picture but he just wasn't cooperating. Aidan has his 2 bottom teeth now and loves to use them. He's actually had them for about a month now. He loves to bite down on the spoon and shake his head so that all of the food falls off. Oh it's just so much fun!
Just last week I sat down with him and rolled the ball to him. It took about 10 minutes for him to figure out what I wanted him to do. Once he figured out how to roll the ball back to me he loved it and didn't want to stop. Yes, I know I look very pregnant in this picture. Guess what...I am.

A couple of days ago Aidan fell in love with the pat-a-cake song. He gets so excited when we sing it. When I finish the song he grabs my hands and claps them together until I start over again. This goes on for a very long time. Because of our recent move to Branson for a month I haven't been able to post everything that has been going on. There is much more to come but don't forget to watch the video of Aidan's voice right below this post :)