Well I must say, as sad as I am to be leaving my family in Missouri, I am sooooo excited to live in paradise (Florida)! We have set our official moving date for July 21st. I am not looking forward to the 20 hour long, uncomfortable drive in a big Penske truck, on a bench seat that doesn't recline, with an 11 month old to entertain and being 7 months pregnant. But, I am looking forward to an adventure with my little family. Let the good times begin :)
wait, wait. where is "paradise"?!! how exciting!!
I guess I should have clarified. We are moving to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida for Pharmacy school. It's paradise compared to the sticks in Missouri :)
Yay! I can't wait to see you! It's so soon!!!
Florida feels a lot closer to me! How fun! I didn't know. If you drive through knoxville or alabama let me know. not that youd really want to stop once youre on your way but if you need a place to rest... gimme a call.
Gosh for a second there you said paradise I thought you were coming to hawaii. Your such a tease.
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