Yesterday was going great until around 4:00 when I got a call from my mom. We were on our way to Rich's parents house for a fun time when I got the bad news. My brother and sister-in-law and their 3 boys were on their way to New York for a week of sightseeing. About an hour from their destination they were pulling out of a gas station and were hit by another car. Instantly all of the windows shattered and the car was sent spinning. Gabriel, the oldest at just 5 years old, hadn't buckled himself into his car seat yet and was thrown from the car. Angels were watching over him without a doubt. He landed in a grassy area by the side of the road. I don't quite know all of the details because they are all still in Pennsylvania. Gabriel had 2 cuts on the side of his head that had to be stitched up and suffered a small scull fracture. He spent last night in the hospital and will be spending one more night there for observation. My sister-in-law, Amy, said that he is doing really well and loving all of the attention and all of the fun stuff they're giving him. We are all so happy that Gabriel is ok and can't wait to see him when he gets home!
I'm so sorry to read about the accident but glad they are ok. We live just about 25 min north of Ft. Lauderdale! What's bringing you here? And do you know where you are going to live? Let me know.
Thats so crazy. How many times do we do that. Put our seat belts on as we are pulling out of the parking lot or half way down the road...Bad habbits. Even though he has a big owie...hes a little cutie. Ladies watch out.
aawww my poor boy! I was combing his hair yesterday and accidentally pulled on his scab. I felt so bad!
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