This Valentine's Day was probably one of the most memorable ones for us. We decided to surprise our families and fly out to Missouri. Thanks again Delta :) It was a blast!
Things didn't go quite as planned...they went better! Our flight out of Florida was delayed so we missed our connecting flight and ended up getting to spend 5 hours in the Atlanta airport. We had so much fun there. It was like a really fun family day out. We went to eat at Chili's, we grabbed some dessert, we spent lots of time walking and talking and seeing all there is to see in that airport. FYI- Terminal E has a huge food court where a lady plays really good songs on the piano.
We also enjoyed our share of laughs. The airport security rides Segways.

We couldn't help but laugh when we saw someone ride by on what we called the "ghetto version" of a segway. Of course, we had to get a pic.
We first surprised my mom. We spent the night at her house and the next day. Then, on Valentine's night we crashed Rich's family party. The look on everyone's face was priceless. Of course, my hands were full so I didn't get any pics. Can't wait to see the pics that Becca took with her awesome, new camera (hint, hint). Rich went home the next morning and I stayed at my mom's for a couple more days. Tons of fun!
Maya decided that she just had to have a taste of Grandma's apple. She fought for it.
She finally got a little lick. Shame on her.
He even "rubbed off" on Aidan! Get it?
Then, before I knew it, my little angel was tattooed behind my back! Rudy, you are busted!
I hope you all had an amazing Valentine's Day with those that you love!