I realize I've told pretty much everybody but I haven't made the official blog announcement. I think it's obvious, right? I'm pregnant! We are expecting our 3rd baby around Thanksgiving! That is something I can be grateful for! We are sooooo excited to be having another baby and have our kids grow up so close in age. Watching Aidan and Maya play and seeing how much they love each other and miss each other when they are apart makes us so excited to have another little addition to our family. I am about 3 1/2 months along and will be having an ultrasound in 2 weeks. We have decided to wait to find out the sex of the baby...if we can hold out at the ultrasound. That's the plan as of right now so we shall see. I will keep you all updated. I have been pretty tired but I'm starting to get some energy back which makes me very happy. We are so happy to be making this announcement!
holy smokes congratulations! so how far will they all be apart? sorry...im not smart enough to do the math
oh and thanks cause now im seriously craving a cinnamon roll!
my gosh.... I can't keep up with that. We need to wait a little for a next one!!! congrats...wonderful news
YAY Rich and Jessica! We are so happy for you guys!
I heard the news from Vasilescu!!! I'm so excited for you. Wow.... 3rd kid!
Congrats! We're so excited for you guys! And we need to get together sometime before this 3rd bun comes! :) Do you still have the same phone number? Mine is 801-830-4068. Chat with you soon!
um why did you have to post the yummiest cinnamon roll ever I can't even look at your blog without my mouth watering.
What a cute announcement! So glad to have another Baker grandchild on the way! Wish you were closer, though. As always, we send our love...
Dang girl...poppin em out. I ran into Kulia a few weeks ago (were in the same Stake) and she is getting ready for baby to come. She is so funny and scared to death. I can't believe your having # 3 already. I agree with having them close together. Besides them being such good friends, you can be a young mom. Good WOrk Lady!
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