Veteran’s Day was the most fun we’ve had as a family in a looooong time. Rich had the day off, obviously and so we took advantage of every free minute that day. For breakfast we went to Denny’s where veteran’s and active duty ate for free. We let Aidan and Maya sit at their own table and there was this veteran sitting at the table across from him that Aidan appeared to be having a staring contest with. It was cute. After we finished eating and asked for the check our server told us that Aidan’s veteran friend had paid our bill! It was so sweet of him and Rich got a bit choked up. Started our day off feeling very blessed.
After breakfast we went to the new aquarium in Salt Lake. It was also free for active duty and their families. It was awesome!

Very grainy proof that I was there.


When we were done looking we took the kids to the play room they had at the aquarium and that is where Eva discovered her love for slides.

While at the aquarium Rich convinced me that going to watch a movie with all of the kids would be a good idea. It’s not like me to agree but we went for it and it was a huge success! We treated ourselves to the nice theater with recliners and watched Big Hero 6.
Eva having lunch during previews.

I only spent a few minutes outside with Eva. She decided she would rather watch the movie so we went back in.

After the movie we went to Aidan and Maya’s parent-teacher conference. They are both doing great in school. It confirmed to me that our decision to have Aidan repeat 1st grade was the best decision for him. He has straight A’s which at Aidan’s school is 3’s and I can just see his confidence building so much. He is an excellent reader and according to his teacher, he is improving socially. He’s such a playful kid but he has really matured over the last few months and is figuring out when it is time to joke around and when it is time to focus.
Maya, of course, is loved by her teacher. She went into kindergarten already meeting the end of year requirements. She is so kind and such a pleaser that her teacher just adores her. She loves to learn and is always excited to do homework. We feel so blessed that both Aidan and Maya are enjoying school and doing well.
After the parent-teacher conferences we went to dinner at Applebee’s. Rich got a free meal and Maya’s teacher gave us 3 free kids meal coupons(SCORE!) It’s hard to get a selfie of a family of 6! Sorry Eva

Maya is always so sweet and mindful of Eva. Maya was enjoying her deliciously cheesy mozzarella sticks while Eva was snacking on cheerios. I didn’t notice it right away but Maya had been feeding Eva the cheese out of her mozzarella sticks!

She really enjoyed it! I mean, it’s deep fried cheese…who wouldn’t?!?!

We were so blessed to be able to spend the whole day together as a family doing whatever we chose to do. What a choice country we live in where we have so many freedoms. I am truly grateful to all of those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms and for those who continue to serve this great country.