Aidan is now sitting up by himself! He doesn't need pillows anymore. He gets more and more fun each day. Oh and you may have noticed that Aidan got another hair cut. Yes, it is his 2nd haircut!!

This is my boy in his shades :) My sister put them on him and he didn't even try to take them off. He wore them for a good 15 minutes and then I took them off.

I have lots of great news. Aidan's vocal cords are getting better! We went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and got the great news that there is more movement in them. We are soooo happy. The good news of the day for me is that he did great sucking on his sippy cup today. I feel like he is finally figuring out the whole sucking thing and it gives me a lot of hope that he will drink from a sippy cup some day. As far as my pregnancy goes I am feeling great. I'm almost 5 months along. I had an ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and they couldn't tell the sex of the baby but I'll be having another ultrasound in a few weeks. Since the weather has been beautiful Aidan and I have been having a lot of fun. We have been taking a lot of trips to the park. So much more to say but the rest will have to wait until I post my next blog...who knows when that will be:)
yeah! Slow and steady wins the race right?! :)
He is so darn cute! Man, look at those eyes! He's going to be popular with the ladies! Glad to hear you're doing well!
I can't believe the hair on that kid! I have a sister-in-law that would be soooo jealous. Her little 2 1/2 year old girl still has hair as short as a newborn!
He is so adorable! I miss that sweet little guy. It's so good to hear that he is progressing. Can't wait to hear what you're having!
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