Aidan and
Josalynn are
sooo cute together! Aidan just learned to give "kisses" (always very slobbery). Well Aidan and
Josalynn were playing on the floor together and
Josalynn just leaned over to give him a kiss and he knew exactly what to do!

Aidan is doing great with his feedings. Yesterday he drank 2 oz of formula mixed with banana baby food for the speech therapist. She said something that I have only dreamed about hearing since he came home..."Soon we can start talking about getting the g-tube out." WOW!! Today he drank 3 oz! This is
truly a miracle and a blessing. He also ate a whole jar of baby food in one sitting. We are going to see a
dietitian to see exactly how much he needs to be drinking and eating to get the g-tube out. Lots and lots more to tell but I need to take pics first. I love the time I get to spend with Aidan!
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