Yesterday was our anniversary. I can't believe it's been 2 years!! I guess it's like they say, "time flies when you are having fun". These past 2 years have been amazing. I love sharing every day with my best friend. It has been so exciting planning our lives together. We have come such a long way.

I remember when I first saw Rich. I had been home from my mission about 5 months and had no intentions of going to the singles branch. After some arm twisting by my friend, Lisa, I went. She convinced me to go a second time and that was when I saw Rich. He was with his brother Ryan and they were sitting right behind me. After sacrament meeting my friend dared me to turn around and talk to them. I wasn't looking for anyone to date so I felt I had nothing to lose. The rest is history.

We have enjoyed so much together and have so much more to look forward to. We have been blessed with amazing families, a beautiful boy, Aidan, another baby on the way, and the exciting adventure that awaits us in Florida for Pharmacy school. I love my companion and can't wait to spend many more years with him. Happy Anniversary Honey!
wow, 2 yrs?! happy anniversary! :)
you're welcome for bringing the two of you together :)
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