October 22, 2008
What not to wear
Aidan cracks me up. Lately, I've been addicted to the best show ever, "What Not To Wear". Aidan seems to like it too, at least the beginning of it :) One day I heard him giggle and when I looked over at him he was watching the intro. of this show. He giggled each time the sparkles came on the screen. He's seen it so many times since then that he doesn't laugh any more but it still gets his attention and he really seems to like it.
What do you think?
October 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Rich!!
October 17, 2008
Aidan Standing
Aidan recently started standing for long periods of time. He is so cute! During the day he likes to show off to me by standing by the couch without holding on. He looks at me and giggles then he throws himself on the couch. He does this over and over and expects me to cheer each time.
His other recent accomplishment is waving bye, bye! Of course he is actually waving to himself. He'll figure out that he needs to turn his hand around soon. I love it though. The other day I was running out to the car to get something and he looked at me and said "Bye, bye!" and waved.
I also just wanted to give a quick trach and g-tube update. He is ready to get both of them out!! We have an appointment with the ENT on Thursday so we'll see if he takes it out then. We can't wait!!