I can't believe it has already been 2 weeks! Now that I think about it, has it only been 2 weeks? Maya is a blessing and has been such a joy in our lives. She is such a good baby and just sleeps and sleeps and sleeps. My experience with her has been completely different from my experience with Aidan. My experience with Aidan...hard. My experience with Maya...easy! Juggling the 2 is a bit of a challenge, mostly because Aidan is and always has been so demanding of my time and attention. They are both so worth it.

As much as he whines when I am giving Maya attention instead of him, Aidan really does love her. He loves to give her kisses and touch her hair. He still doesn't understand that hitting isn't nice so I can't take my eyes off of him for one second when he is near Maya. I guess it's just one of the many challenges of having kids so close in age.

She is such a little angel. She only wakes up a couple of times a night and during the day she is the most perfect baby ever. We love her so much.
I wish I would have known, do you know that Laura (Vasilescu) lives there too? I was down there visiting her and her hubby for the weekend! Next time! :) PS Maya is a doll. you and your genes!
i heart maya! come and visit us so i can meet her!
Ditto to Kulia! COme visit again! OH my gosh! How cute are your kids!
How do you get em to have so much stinkin hair! I was a blond peach fuzz kinda baby. So fun!
WHen I was a baby my brother (4 years older) WOuld literally smother me with kisses till I cried. Brothers...make you tough!
i love those jammies!
congratulations!! am happy she is a easy going baby, hope you are able to get the rest you need to handle two little ones.
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