Can't believe that it is actually going to happen! The trach comes out tomorrow!!! We are beyond ecstatic. All day today when I would suction him or change the gauze or lug around the suction machine I kept saying to myself, "LAST DAY!" It's really hard to even imagine what it's going to be like to not have to worry about the things that we've been constantly worried about for the past 15 1/2 months. Just so happy. Anyway, this was our last day with the trach and it was a fun and busy one. First thing this morning we went to the doctor for a pre-op appointment. Just had to get Aidan checked to make sure he is healthy for the surgery. Then we went to the park for a play date.
Aidan with his pals. They are all within 2 months of each other.

Last pic of the day, taken right before I put him to bed tonight. Our appointment is at 6:45am so I got him dressed and ready to go so we can just wake him up and go. He should be in the operation room at around 10-10:30am so please keep him in your prayers. The next pictures you see of him will be trach free ones. What an exciting time. How blessed we are.
Aidan with his pals. They are all within 2 months of each other.
Last pic of the day, taken right before I put him to bed tonight. Our appointment is at 6:45am so I got him dressed and ready to go so we can just wake him up and go. He should be in the operation room at around 10-10:30am so please keep him in your prayers. The next pictures you see of him will be trach free ones. What an exciting time. How blessed we are.
Let me be the first to say, hurrah! Hurrah for Aidan's parents being so patient and loving with him..hurrah for Aidan having the sweet disposition willing to endure what he must...I was glad to hear all went well today and Aidan is "trach-free"!Sending love your way!
how did it go?!!!! so great! :) I love the festive background btw.
Went fantastic! Took me a while to make a post because I was so behind on my sleep.
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