Right after the probe was put in :(
After all of that he still wanted to give me kisses. Sweet boy.
Since the monitor wasn't designed for him to be able to carry it around I had to put the pack-n-play in the living room. He was going to have to stay in it most of the day :(
So I started trying to think of a way to make it possible for him to carry the monitor around while he played. This was my first attempt which failed miserably. My second attempt was putting it in a boppy case, compliments of my sister-in-law Rebecca, and tying it across his shoulder. Failed. I tried like 2 other things after that. Failed.
Finally I did it! I got a pair of pajamas and put the monitor in them and buttoned it up. I tied the legs to the arms and made him a little backpack! It worked perfectly! He crawled all over the place with that thing!
He didn't mind it one bit. I'm sure there was a simpler and better way to do this but what can I say. You work with what you've got. We are learning to make lemonade when we're handed lemons. So here is the update: Tomorrow morning the pH probe comes out. We get the reflux results on Wednesday and the trach comes out on Thursday!!!!!!
You know...you are an amazing mom and you know the Lord sent Aidan to you because He knew you would try so hard to help him. So hang in there and know that we are praying for you. As for the prego pictures, there will be some poosted soon. :)
How exciting for your family! Oh, and the probe problem...you are brilliant!!!
Nice lemonaide
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