FINALLY! The trach is gone! What an ordeal it was but it is finally all over. Everything went smoothly. No complications at all. The day of the surgery and the day after were rough days. I don't know why it always works out this way but Rich had a final during the surgery and one the morning after the surgery so he wasn't with me hardly at all. It was nuts. This is Aidan on our way to the hospital.

Rich dropped us off at the hospital at 7am and Aidan went into surgery at 9am. At around 9:45 he came out of surgery and he was not a happy camper. I've heard that coming out of the anesthesia is pretty rough so that would explain why he is always so angry.
Right before they took him back for the surgery.
Rich dropped us off at the hospital at 7am and Aidan went into surgery at 9am. At around 9:45 he came out of surgery and he was not a happy camper. I've heard that coming out of the anesthesia is pretty rough so that would explain why he is always so angry.
Right before they took him back for the surgery.
In the pre-op waiting room we met this sweet little girl named Ellie. She had a trach too and came right up to us to meet Aidan. It's so rare to see another child with a trach so I instantly bonded with her mom. We had a lot to talk about. It made me sad because she started to cry when she found out that we were there for a trach removal. I can understand how she was feeling. The good news is that I spoke with her after Ellie's surgery and found out that after waiting for 6 years Ellie is ready to get the trach out too! Hooray for Ellie!!

After the anesthesia wore off completely Aidan was up and ready to play. He was back to his old self in less than 2 hours...breathing on his own!
After the anesthesia wore off completely Aidan was up and ready to play. He was back to his old self in less than 2 hours...breathing on his own!
Oh my gosh, Jess, I am sooooooo happy for you guys! What a blessing! You are amazing! Hey, we're coming out to FL (Disney) February 5 - 7. Maybe we can see you??? We won't be there long, but let's try!
For sure! We'll figure something out.
Congratulations Bakers!!!! I'm so excited for you guys...and for Aidan.
What a blessing and to get to have it out during this time of year when we are really reflecting on things to be thankful for! I can't imagine your joy! I am so glad everything went so well. Thank you for explaining all you have to go through and helping me be thankful fr little not being able to play in the sand? and you guys live in Florida now!!! Is it too cold to take him to the beach? I bet that will be a fun experience. (you did say you had to keep him in a port-a-crib when you went to keep the trach clean before right?)
CONGRATS to you all! and especially Aidan!
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