January 31, 2009
Roly-Poly #2
January 26, 2009
The Rockwood Experience
January 11, 2009
Those that made the difference

Dr. Allphin was Aidan's Ear, Nose and Throat doctor. I remember when Aidan was in the NICU we felt an instant sigh of relief when we were told that Dr. Allphin would be coming in to check on him. Dr. Allphin happens to be a member of our church and he is know to be one of the best ENT's in the area. What a blessing. He had a calming presence that made me feel like everything was going to be ok. He put the trach in but unfortunately couldn't be the one to take it out because of our move to Florida. To this day, he is the one we call when we need advice from someone we trust. I am so grateful for him, for all that he did and still does for us. Thank you Dr. Allphin!

And then there is Kelly Beckham. I can't say enough about Kelly. She was truly my light in the midst of what felt like never ending darkness. She was the therapist that helped me with Aidan's feedings every week. To me she really is an angel. Teaching Aidan to eat was the most difficult and frustrating thing I have ever had to do in my entire life. She taught me how to do that. I looked forward to going to see her each week because she gave me hope. I can't express how much I love this lady. I will never be able to repay her for what she has given me and Aidan. Thanks to her Aidan no longer has the feeding tube and is eating all textures and flavors. Eternally grateful for you Kelly. Thank you!!
January 3, 2009
Quick rundown...