It's been such a long time since I've made a post and there is tons to catch up on. Here is a quick rundown of what has happened the past month. We flew out to Branson and stayed with my mom for 2 weeks. We had lots of fun visiting my aunt, relaxing at home, making yummy tamales with my mom and eating delicious Mexican meals, thanks mom! Yesterday she left for Mexico to visit my Grandpa and aunts and uncles so now it's Rich's parents turn to put up with us :) We've been having fun with them too. In fact we just got out of their awesome hot tub! It's been so much fun hanging out and watching movies for the past 3 weeks but the fun is coming to an end. We will be flying back home to Florida in a couple of days. What an incredible vacation it has been. There are so many things that I need to blog about but I'll have to do that in detail when I get home but here is a picture of Maya in her blessing dress. She was blessed by her daddy in the Marshfield high school on a karaoke machine. Their chapel is being rebuilt so they meet in the high school and the schools speaker system went out so now they use a karaoke machine. Fun times. She looked absolutely beautiful.

Me with my baby boy, opening presents on Christmas morning. He wasn't really into tearing open presents. Oh well. He got some pretty cool stuff.
looks like you had a way fun christmas! so much time to spend with family was nice i'm sure. your daughter looks gorgeous in her dress too.
Wow those are some nice dentures!!! You can even see the root eminences over the canines and the lateral concavities and check out those papilla!!!
HAHA! Grandma B. you sure know a lot about dentures. Almost sounds like you are in dental school...Ryan.
Hey my identity is stolen!This is the REAL grandma B...good try Ryan...glad to see you still have a sense of humor! the kids are beautiful, sweet, and I love 'em..and miss them!
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