Next day we went to the mall and then took a trip to the pool. Aidan hated it!
Saw gorgeous animals...
Aidan loved the aquarium.
He also loved the birds
He even got to feed a goat!
Best of all, we got to spend time together :)
We went on our 1st date since we moved to Florida. Cheesecake Factory and a movie. Still can't believe we ate that whole slice! It was so good.
We decided to drive to Marco Island which is a little under 2 hours away. It was beautiful! My favorite beach so far.
The water was shallow and calm so Aidan loved to play in it. He was not happy to leave.
Baby Maya even showed off her little bathing suit
Happy Birthday to me!!! April 14th was my 27th birthday. What a fun time we had. Rich tricked me into thinking that he couldn't get a babysitter so I was bummed :( Then there was a knock at the door and it was my good friend, Lucy! I though she was just stopping by to say happy birthday but she was there to babysit! Rich had it all planned out. He took me out to a yummy steak house and then to a movie. It was the best birthday surprise ever! Not to mention the gift card for a free massage and a bike!! Since we moved here I've been wanting a bike and he got me one! We've been out a couple of times pulling the kids in a bike stroller. It's so much fun!
Everybody has been asking me what she was choking on. The answer is, I don't know. She just started picking up stuff and putting it in her mouth. My only guess is that it could have been a piece of Aidan's cracker that he had been eating earlier. But trust me, I have been watching him like a hawk when he eats his snacks.