We went to visit Arabella for the second time. We were so excited! It has been so hard being home without her. I miss her. 
The nurse said that she loves to sleep on her right side. She said that she didn't make a sound for 6 hours and so she started to get worried. She changed her diaper and not a peep. Then, she turned her to her left side and Arabella go really upset. She switched her back to her right side:)
I got to give her her very first bath. She didn't like it much but she was still really good.
I got to hold my little angel for the very first time. She melts my heart.
Jess, I understand what it feels like to go home without a baby...I am so thankful that you got to hold and love on her! She's beautiful! I'm praying for your family, and wish you the best!
so beautiful...we are anxious to hear the news today! Hope all goes well. I prompted Will to bless Baby Arabella in his prayer and he automatically said to feel good. It was so sweet! We love you guys!
She is even more beautiful then her name :) Will keep her in our prayer tonight!
Still praying for my precious niece! So glad to hear the good-ish news today! Gives us hope! Love you so much Baker fam! Can't wait to be there!
I love all that dark hair, such a precious little girl. My heart aches for you and Rich, I know how hard it is to go home without your baby. We're so happy about the hopeful news today and pray that all will go well on Monday. You look great Jessica! Love you guys!
I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet daughter! You are in our thoughts and prayers!
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