4th of July is one of our favorite holidays to celebrate with Rich’s family. This year that wasn’t gonna happen so Rich planned a fun 4 day weekend for us here, on island in Okuma! There was a last minute opening for an amazing cabin right on the beach so we snatched it up and then decided to invite our friends and neighbors, the Eubanks. We knew the kids would have a great time together and Jandy is one of my besties so it was an easy decision.
Front porch view
First night we just settled in and headed to dinner.
Jandy and I enjoyed this cute view of our guys chatting and pushing their littles.
We hit the sack that night after watching a movie with the kids and then started the next morning with a buggy bike ride.
We biked around a bit and then stopped a couple of times to enjoy the view.
After the buggy bike we went back to the cabin and got ready for the beach. We went to the beach in front of our cabin and the kids liked it just fine but the waves were a little rough.
Rich took Maya for a little snorkeling adventure.
That was about the extent of our first day there but it was the night time happenings that the kids were excited about! After dinner…
… we got a fire going and did what we traditionally do at the Annual Rockwood Campout which is roast marshmallows and listening to Rich tell scary stories.
Such a good time with our friends, the Eubanks!
They headed home the next morning and we stuck around to enjoy another day on the beach.We moved from the cabin to one of the basic rooms with one queen bed and plenty of floor space. That night we piled on to the bed and watched a movie together then when it was time to sleep we put the 3 big kids on the floor and Eva in her pack-n-play and we all slept like babies. I actually really loved having us all in a tiny room…for ONE night. As the kids have gotten older everything has gotten quite a bit easier and those moments we get to be snuggled up together are really special.
That’s Maya hiding, not wanting to be bothered, lol!

We spent the day on the beach but this time we headed over to the other side of Okuma to a seriously AMAZING beach!
This was our day of doing lots of fun water stuff! Rich rode a jetovator for the first time and pretty much mastered it. I only saw him fall off once.
I rode on the banana boat with all of the big kids.

Rich took each of the big kids for a ride on a jetski.
My little beach babes love playing in the sand. Eva has absolutely no fear of the ocean which can be scary but I just love that she can spend all day on the beach and not get bored.
A few randoms…

Sunday walk

Eva flying a kite.

Beautiful family...beautiful beach...beautiful family and friend time...beautiful photos... So glad you are all bonding together making happy memories!
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