Today, I was thinking about all of the things I love about Aidan. Why? No idea. Just thinking. So, here is what I was thinking…Age 3 is hard. It’s REALLY hard, for me at least. It’s also REALLY good. Along with the attitude came this sweet big boy gentleness that I love. He can be super feisty and super sweet. Lately he has been really loving. He’s an affectionate boy who likes being hugged, kissed, snuggled and just playful.
*I LOVE that lately he has wonderful manners and always says thank you. Actually, it’s more like, “Oh, taytew mommy.” Rich thinks he over uses his thank you’s but is that possible? I don’t think so. For example: Last week I was giving him a hair cut. I just use clippers on the sides and then I blend and cut the top with scissors. Keep in mind that this kid has tons of hair. Every time I would snip his hair with the scissors he would say, “Taytew mommy”. I loved it:D
*I LOVE that he “wud’s” me. The first time he ever offered me a “love you” was when we were in the hospital after his surgery. He wasn’t feeling too good and I had just covered him with his blanky and put Marley (stuffed animal) next to him. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and he looked at me with his sleepy little eyes and said, “wud ew mommy”. So sweet. Ever since then I love telling him that I love him because he always responds with a “wud ew mommy”.
*I LOVE how nurturing he is. Maya and Arabella are the luckiest little sisters in the whole world. Now, I’m not gonna lie and say that he doesn’t pick on Maya and make her cry sometimes. He does. But I can see the love that he has for them when he talks to Maya in such a nurturing way. Sometimes I catch him saying things like, “Do you want the toy Maya? Ok, I’ll get it. Here you go Maya.” He takes care of her. Just the other day I saw him carrying Arabella. Yes, I did say carrying Arabella. He picked her up and took a few steps with her. Of course he just kind of plopped her down on the ground in a not so gentle way but he loves her so much and is always asking if he can hold her. What a great big brother.
Obviously pre-Aidan’s haircut. It looks much better now.

So, 3 year olds might be tough but the sweetness that he brings into my life is so worth it. I say that now because he’s in bed. We’ll see what I say tomorrow when they are all screaming:D