I think that it is finally a time to blog. I don’t know what has been going on with my world but apparently it just decided to turn against me for the past few weeks. I’ve been so overwhelmed with never ending ER and doctors visits that blogging seemed pointless since it would have been complaining, whining, and a whole lot of feeling sorry for myself. We all have those times in our lives, right?
This weekend we had a BIG scare. Aidan has been complaining of headaches daily for the past couple of months. I brushed it off as a dehydration thing and just pushed water on him constantly. Then he started complaining about being tired all of the time. Miss. Michelle even mentioned that she noticed he was tired a lot. Well, finally, on Saturday Rich and I decided that we should take him in to see his doctor thinking that he might be anemic. Rich took him in, in the morning and called me to tell me that Aidan was really sleepy and it was 9am!! BTW my kids go to bed at 7-7:30ish, so they definitely get enough sleep. Moving on, Aidan was seen by the doctor who showed a lot of concern and wanted to do a complete blood workup and a cat scan. A CAT SCAN!?!? Yikes! Of course, being me, I automatically assumed the worst. I mean, what else can you assume when your doctor shows concern and then orders a cat scan? Ok, bad news…it’s Saturday! Labs are closed so we would have to wait until Monday! I just couldn’t not know for 2 whole days so Rich took him to the ER. After hearing the symptoms they too ordered a blood workup and a cat scan. Let me just say, we were there for 5 long hours, basically all of Saturday was suspense and stress. Labs came back…………………negative. He is NOT anemic. This was devastating news to me because in my mind that was the lesser of many evils. I wanted it to be anemia so that we could all go home *dust off my hands* give him iron supplements and be done with it. No such luck:( The technician that took us in to get the cat scan asked what his symptoms were and as I was describing them he was shaking his head and making “mmm” and “eeee” sound effects. Not reassuring. The cat scan was done and we waited an hour for the results. The doctor came in and said, “The cat scan came back clear except for a sinus infection.” A sinus infection? A Sinus Infection!?!? A SINUS INFECTION!!!!!!!!!!! HALELUJAH MY SON HAS A SINUS INFECTION!!! I will take it! I’ll tell you what, I’ve never been so happy to hear about a sinus infection in my entire life!!!
Finally taking the IV out. He was so excited!

Since Saturday, Aidan has been on an antibiotic and saline spray (which he hates) and I am noticing such a huge difference. He rarely complains of a headache and hasn’t mentioned being tired. I feel like I was given the most amazing gift ever. The hospital we went to was the same hospital Arabella was in the NICU and where both Aidan and Arabella had all of their surgeries. All I could think, again thinking the worst because that’s what I do, was do I really have to do this again? Will I be a regular here once again? Thank heavens the answer is no:D I think that little reminders of what we have in life are a good thing.
What’s that? You want to go to Chick-fil-a after our 5 hour long ordeal? HECK YEAH!

P.S. Aidan has been cracking me up with his outfits of choice, lately. I pretty much let him pick out his clothes every day unless he really doesn’t care what he wears. The past couple of days he knew exactly what he wanted to wear:D

This was today…

And here he is with his best bud, Tadeo, who also LOVES Toy Story.

Handsome boys!