I’ve got lots of fun to blog about but haven’t the time to do it! Playing catch-up with cleaning my house but I’m seeing the light so I’ll be updating soon. For now, just a quick update on baby girl’s growth!
~30 weeks~
This is the first week that I am feeling like I want to be DONE! It’s mostly my fault though. I know that I have to keep up on taking my iron pills or else the anemia will make me feel like death and yet I allowed myself to run out along with constantly forgetting to take them. Week 30 was horrible
My veins are getting much worse and most days I just want to gnaw my right leg off because it hurts so dang bad. My only comfort is that Julianne (my sis-in-law) and I have decided to plan a girls week getaway after I have this baby to go have our veins fixed. This brings me comfort.
Anyway, enough with the complaining which poor Rich never gets relief from…I have an announcement! We have spread the word and our family knows so now I can tell my blog and all 2 of the people that read it, the name we have decided on for our baby girl! She shall be called….
Awwww, I love it! We are still a bit undecided on her middle name and will probably wait to announce that until she is born but we both feel great about Eva and are so excited to add her and her cute little name to our family!
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