I have a very sneaky husband. A couple of weeks ago my neighbor, Liz, told me that she wanted to watch my kids before I had the baby so that Rich and I could go on a date. I was so grateful and apparently so was Rich because a week later he told me that he had spoken with Liz and worked it out so that we could go on Friday night. Ok. I’m usually the one that works out the babysitting situation for dates so I, for some reason, didn’t take the date seriously. I guess I assumed it wasn’t really going to happen? Not sure what exactly I was thinking. Anyway, Friday came and I spent the day out with a friend and the kids at the Tree House Museum and got home right before Rich did from work. I wasn’t thinking about the date, I didn’t even remember we were going on a date until Rich got home and reminded me. Now, I feel like such a horrible person because I was so annoyed with him for not reminding me because then I would have stayed home and cleaned the house for Liz to come over! I made him get busy cleaning the kitchen while I mumbled not-so-under my breath my frustration. It wasn’t even his fault, it was mine!
So, he keeps insisting that we need to leave no later than 5:00 because we were planning on going to watch X-Men and Rich HATES being late for movies. We head out the door, go to eat dinner and then head out to Salt Lake because the theater there has the best sound system and of course Rich has to watch X-Men on a good sound system…(insert rolling eyes). So, we’re driving and talking about everything and nothing and then suddenly I realize it is taking us FOREVER to get to the theater! I also realize that we are going a different way than we usually go and of course I tell him he should have used the GPS on his phone because the Garmin sucks to which he agrees. I’m kind of laughing at him inside because I can see that the movie is going to start in 10 minutes and we are stuck on some back road behind a ton of traffic. I don’t care because I don’t mind being late to movies.
Then, suddenly we take a right at a light and there are people directing traffic. Now I’m totally lost and confused as to where in the heck the GPS took us. Dumb Garmin! Rich follows the direction that they direct us and I’m like, “What are you doing? Why are are you going the way he told you to go? This isn’t where the movie theater is!” He just acted all confused which was so weird to me. Then, we were directed into this big arena parking lot and at that point I was so confused that I rolled down the window and asked the girl directing us, “What is this?” To which she gave me a blank stare. We pull in and park and I’m still confused as to why Rich just followed the crowd (Yes, I’m THAT slow). This is how the rest of the conversation went:
Rich: “We’re not going to watch X-Men.”
Me: “What?” Still not understanding what is going on.
Rich: “We’re not going to watch a movie. We are going to a concert.”
Me: Sounding like a broken record, “What? What are you talking about?”
Rich: “We are going to a Brad Paisley concert!”
Me: “Oh. My. Gosh. I am so confused!”
It seriously took me a good 2 minutes of sitting there in complete shock and confusion before I realized what had just happened. Then, I had to touch up my makeup

Lee Brice and Chris Young opened. They were so good!

We had awesome seats too! Halfway through the concert Brad Paisley walked right in front of us to a little stage that was set up right next to where we were sitting! Ignore my goofy, “Oh my gosh, Brad Paisley just walked right in front of me” look.
I love how spontaneous and fun Rich is. I love that after 7 years of marriage he still gets a kick out of surprising me, even when I’m being a grouch. I love knowing that our lives will always be filled with adventures and excitement because that is just the kind of guy he is. I love that I get to be the one who’s life he makes exciting.