Wow what a crazy day this was. I never wrote any of this down mostly because it was so traumatic for me and for Aidan. That time of our lives also just seemed so hectic. So here he is on August 21, 2007 just minutes after he was born. There is just so much to say I don't even know where to start. I had the perfect pregnancy. I ate healthy, never really got sick and I absolutely loved being pregnant. I never could have imagined anything going wrong. I was in labor for about 13 hours and I pushed for about 20-30 minutes and he was here. There was so much joy that flooded into the room and almost instantly that joy became fear. I remember Dr. Afshar putting him kind of on my belly but all I could see were his legs. Rich cut the umbilical cord and that is when the panic set in. Aidan wasn't crying...

gasping for air. Dr. Afshar immediately rushed him to the weighing table and started working on getting him to breathe. Everything else that happened I heard from Yesenia (my sister) and Rich. Dr. Afshar put him on the table and lifted his arm and dropped it to see if he had any control or reaction. His arm flopped on to the table with no reaction. Then he was given a shot and still there was no reaction. It was then that Dr. Afshar decided to intubate him to clear his airway. During all of this I was just around the corner with my mom asking over and over for somebody to please tell me what was going on and what was happening to my baby. I was so scared. It felt like a nightmare. Aidan was taken into another room where he had 5 or 6 people working on him. I never even got to see him.

After about 30 minutes a nurse came in with her digital camera and showed me pictures she had taken of Aidan. He was so beautiful. Then 15 minutes after that another doctor finally came in to stitch me up. I just cried and cried and cried. After I was taken off of the delivery table they put me in a wheelchair and took me into a room to see Aidan for the first time. It broke my heart to see my perfect baby lying on a table with an oxygen mask on. I was in there with him for about 5 minutes. That is when they told me that they had called for the St. John's NICU in Springfield to come and get him. I wouldn't get to take my baby home. The last picture is the incubator that they transferred him in. They brought him into my room before they left so that I could see him for the last time in a couple of days. That night I felt empty. I ached inside and out. I had lost a lot of blood and had a very traumatic day and it took a toll on me. When I got up to use the bathroom I passed out in the bathroom. Luckily an amazing nurse (Starla) was there with me and she caught me and helped me to the ground while Rich ran to get help. Another nurse ran in with ammonia and brought me out of my daze. Looking back I am so grateful for my mom who was there with me and didn't leave my side for one minute. I'm grateful for my sister who kept reassuring me when I was fearing the worst. I'm grateful for Rich who stayed calm and was my firm foundation through it all. I'm grateful for my Heavenly Father who loves his children and watched over us every step of the way.

Hi! This is Irene Montoya... sister Montoya. It seems that you really had a growing experience, didn't you? wow! You are really strong! I wish all the best for you and your family. Abrazos!
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