Yesterday was kind of a crazy day. It was one of those days that I just break down and cry as soon as Rich walks in the door. Aidan cried all day long! Even though he can't actually make a crying sound it is still very frustrating. I would put him on the ground to play with toys and he would cry. I would sit and play with him and as soon as I walked away he would cry. He cried during all 5 of his feedings and he cried when I put him down to nap. I felt so incredibly inadequate. I am constantly feeling like I don't know what I'm doing. Now I understand why people always say that babies should come with an instruction manual. Yesterday ended on a very good and humbling note. I was checking my g-mail and I saw that a while back Marianne (mom) forwarded a video called
99 balloons. Rich and I watched it and by the time it was over we were both in tears. It made me remember how blessed I am to have Aidan home after all that he has been through. It reminded me that I need to cherish every day that I get to share with him. Well today is a much better day:) He woke up happy and only cried during half of his feeding. Then I put him in his saucer that "Santa" brought him for

Christmas and put on Baby Einstein. He would play for a while and then
just stare at the TV. He loves Baby Einstein! Thank goodness because now I can keep him entertained while I eat breakfast. These are some pictures of my big boy in his saucer mesmerized by Baby Einstein.
Oh man reading this makes me wish I could come and give you two a break, but I know that isn't likely! Your blog is cute-I guess we switched you started blogging and now I am starting face book! Good luck to us both! :)
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