Today is Easter Sunday. I’ve been so excited about Easter this year for some reason. Now that the kids are getting older and understanding holiday’s it really makes it a lot more fun for me. I went out and bought the kids an Easter outfit and made the girls crochet flowers to match their outfits. Sad day. Maya is sick. We didn’t want to take her to church to contaminate the nursery so we stayed home. We still planned a little something for them.
Yesterday we went to the Davie Easter Egg Hunt. There were so many kids there that Aidan & Maya didn’t get any eggs:( They did get a bag of candy anyway and they got to bounce in the bounce house. Afterwards, we had a moment of insanity and decided to take them to watch the movie “Hop”. We were glad we did! Aidan LOVED it! He walked out of the theater and said, “That was fun!”. Maya & Arabella didn’t do too bad either. “Hop” got them excited about the Easter bunny.
Last nights preparations:
Let’s just say I’m not winning “Coolest Mom Of The Year”. I can’t bring myself to let my kids binge on candy and junk food…EVER. It doesn’t matter the holiday. Halloween, they trick or treat their little hearts out and I let them have a couple pieces of candy and then stash the rest. I know, I’m so mean! This is what they got in their Easter eggs.
I’m not THAT bad. I did put 1 starburst in each egg. I figured, they love Annie’s organic cheddar bunnies and graham crackers so that’s what most of the eggs had. The others had Annie’s organic bunny fruit snacks. It was a treat for them and they loved it.
Last night the Easter bunny came to our house and got into our jar of jelly beans.
He sure made a mess!
He left a trail of jelly beans
(Our carpet is due for a cleaning so the jelly beans went straight to the garbage after the kids followed it. Aidan did eat a couple, yuck!)
The Easter bunny left them EASTER BASKETS!! YAY!
They played all morning with their new toys! Harmonica’s, bubbles, lip gloss, toy story and tinkerbell notepads, stickers, Easter egg play dough, etch & sketch and some candy that Daddy Easter bunny insisted on putting in their baskets:)
I love holidays with my kids!
Since we couldn’t go to church we went to the park for an Easter egg hunt instead.
Maya didn’t feel so hot:( The fresh air was good for her though.
Her hair looked cute!
Arabella’s hair, on the other hand…let’s not go there. The kids played for a bit and then Rich came and told them that he just saw the Easter bunny!!! He gave them their baskets and off they went!
Aidan was so excited about the Easter bunny that he had no interest in the eggs for the first few minutes. He just kept looking around and asking where the Easter bunny went.

Even after he opened an egg he still looked around for the Easter bunny. So cute.
Now, pictures galore!

“How many did you get?” “Do all of yours have stinkin’ crackers in them?” hahaha!
“Mmmm, starburst!” Side note: My friend watched Aidan & Maya a week ago and gave them a ton of candy behind my back (Yes, I’m talking about you AMY ODENWALDER!). She said that Maya was the only one of all 4 kids that could open the starbursts.

Yep. This is as good as it get’s folks. They won’t all 3 look at the camera and smile at the same time so out of about 20 pictures, this is the best one.
It is precious to me.