Kids getting older can be so much fun! Sometimes I hate it and sometimes I love it. Right now I love it! Aidan is OBSESSED with Toy Story, has been for quite a while actually. There was no question what he wanted to be for Halloween…Woody! Of course Maya just had to be Jessie since she has been equally obsessed with her (we bought her a Jessie doll for her birthday). Arabella got to be a hand-me-down witch:) She wore Maya’s costume from last year “witch” was really cool. It’s so fun that they are so close in age we get a lot of use out of all of our girl stuff.
Now for some Trunk or Treat pics. It was a rainy day so it was moved indoors, to the gym.

I just couldn’t bring myself to spend 30bucks on a plastic Woody & Jessie costume so we just kinda pieced them together. I actually like them better because we invested a little more in the hats, which they LOVE, and I made Maya’s chaps and Aidan’s vest to add a little personal touch.

Arabella & Maya in the same costume one short year later. Oh how time flies.

Even Steve Jobs was there!

The Trunk or Treat was on Saturday. Today, on Halloween day, all of the mommies met at the park for a “Teeny Tiny Halloween Party”! Aidan was at school so I went with the girls. They played games, ate food and then had a little parade where the kids walked around to the Monster Mash, holding hands.

Here are most of the munchkins. It was impossible to get them all to sit down.

After some fun was had, the girls and I rushed down the street to crash Aidan’s class party for a few minutes.

Mrs. Michelle & Mrs. Tatiana made shirts for all of the kids and they each got to decorate it. Aidan had so much fun at the Halloween pizza party.

Side note: Mrs. Michelle said that there was a little boy on the play ground wearing a Woody costume and Aidan chased him around the whole time! hahaha!
I would say Halloween was a huge success! It was so much fun watching Aidan & Maya get excited about their costumes and Arabella go crazy over all of the candy. Best Halloween Ever!