Sweet, sweet time, stop for a minute will ya? It seems like the last few months of every year are such a whirlwind of birthday which always make me want my kids to stop growing. August, Aidan turned 5; September, Maya turned 4; December, Arabella is 3!!!!! She is 3! Am I the only one that finds this completely unbelieveable? So, truth be told, she has been acting like a 3 year old for the past year so I have no idea what this year is going to have in store for me. What I do know is that I am going to continue to enjoy her cuteness and spunk!
Arabella was so excited about her birthday this year. We sort of fibbed and didn’t tell her that her birthday was on Friday. I felt horrible all day but knew that she wouldn’t know the difference and would be so excited on Sunday when we actually celebrated her birthday. This party was a solid week in the making. Every night after the kids went to bed I was hard at work on the details of her party.
We invited our 4 closest friends: The Bingham’s, Jarnot’s, Conover’s and Slipsager’s. We had 10 adults and 11 kids so it was a full house. It was perfect.
I was so focused on getting it all done that I didn’t take any pictures until it was actually party time. Now, I wish I had taken more pics but here’s what I got:
We started with lunch which was Hawaiian Haystacks, a first for 2 of our friends.

One of the sets of twins, Ayden and Addyson.

Sorry you came out blurry, Melissa! And sorry I caught you mid-chew, Dave

After eating we pulled out all of the goodies and got ready to sing happy birthday to the birthday girl!

After getting all sugared up we put a short 15 minute movie on for the kids to watch while I set up the next activity. I love all of the birthday hats poking up!

Notice Arabella is eating a cupcake on the couch…yeah, we didn’t. She made a MESS! Were it not her party she probably would have been in trouble

What did we do next? GINGERBREAD HOUSES!

This was by far the highlight of the party for all of the kids. Even the littlest twins spent a good 30 minutes decorating their gingerbread house. So cute!

I didn’t take pics but I did a repeat on the crayon rolls as party favors for the kids again. New place, new friends, it’s okay to repeat old party ideas, right? P.S. Taking pics and running a party is HARD! The adults also went home with a party favor of an assortment of chocolate covered pretzel rods. I can’t say how grateful I am to have such great friends so soon after moving here. It makes leaving my old friends a little easier. It felt good having a crowded house filled with friends that will be ours forever.
Arabella LOVED all of the extra attention she got on her birthday and was so sad when I put her to bed and told her that tomorrow wouldn’t be her birthday anymore. She thought the party was gonna go on and on! When I think about Arabella I think about her cute little language that only I understand and I think about how smart she is! She adores her big sister and loves to pester her to no end. She wants to be just like her and mimics everything Maya says. She is extremely social and not even a little shy. Her first day in nursery in our new church ward she literally ran into the nursery leaders arms. She makes friends wherever she goes. She loves to color and draw. She is a girly girl and loves carrying a purse. She is my little treasure. I love everything about her, even her strong personality.
~December 7, 2009~
While it was one of the most emotionally painful and difficult days of my life- It was also one of the most blessed and treasured days of my life as well.
Here a few links that lead to a little run down of Arabella’s little life:
First time I held her
3 Weeks old: Got the trach
5 Weeks old: Coming home!
1st Birthday
2nd Birthday