I'm bummed to say that we really didn't get any Thanksgiving pictures this year :( We spent Thanksgiving at my cousins house which isn't very "baby friendly" so most of our time was spent making sure Aidan didn't destroy her house or hurt himself. Pretty stressful! But we did have a pretty good time.
The collage of Maya is of pictures that I took yesterday. She gets cuter and cuter each day so I've been taking lots of pictures because I don't want to forget any of it. The good and the bad moments :)
We decided that we wanted to go shopping on Black Friday for the first time ever for either of us. It was lots of fun...for the first 2 hours, then it got kinda frustrating. We had a good time though and found some pretty good deals!
Aidan in Best Buy right before he pulled the valve off of his trach and threw it without me knowing. I noticed it was gone when we were going to check out. We had to retrace our tracks through the crowds to find it under some stuff in an aisle. Craziness!
HUGE line in front of
BrandsMart. We didn't go in.

Yesterday I had just set Maya down after feeding her and her bow fell out of her hair. Aidan rushed over and tried to put it back in her hair. It was so cute! He has become so observant. He has just recently learned that if he covers his
trach with his chin he can make noise. He also tries to put on the
passi muir valve and artificial noses. Such a funny kid. Gotta love 'em!