What a fun Halloween we had! It was both Aidan and Maya's 1st. Well it was actually Aidan's 2nd but we don't really count his 1st because he had just come home from the NICU and we just weren't up to taking him out in the cold. Aidan had a great time! Rich picked out his costume and it was absolutely adorable. He was a teddy bear. Maya was going to be a pumpkin but she was sound asleep the whole time so I decided not to wake her up to put her costume on her. My cousin Marisol invited us over for dinner and then we all went out trick-or-treating in her neighborhood. It has been so nice having family near by. We had so much fun together.

Daddy with his Teddy Bear

He actually handled the costume a lot better than we thought he would

I'm pretty sure he is the cutest Teddy Bear I've ever seen

I decided last minute that I would dress up too since I was the one that was going to be taking Aidan door to door. This is my cousins daughter,
Liat. She was a cat too!

Aidan's 1st door! He was a good trick-or-
treater. At almost every door they threw in a few extra suckers for him.

Me and my Teddy Bear

Trick-or-treating in paradise. It was a beautiful night.

Checking out the goodies after a very successful night :) After all of that hard work we thought we would treat Aidan to a sucker. He really enjoyed it.

These are my cousins kids, Ethan and
Liat. We had so much fun with them that night! Rich helped them separate their candy into categories and even helped them eat a few. This is their proud display.

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween with lots and lots of candy!
What an adorable little teddy bear! Looks like a fun night!
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