I mentioned in an earlier post that we were taking Aidan to the trach doctor to possibly get the trach out. Well, I never posted what happened during that visit. Ever since the day Aidan got the trach we have looked forward to the day that he would get it out. Initially we were told that it would come out after a few months. You can imagine how devastated I was when time after time I was told that his vocal cords weren't moving. For those of you who don't know what happened to Aidan, he was diagnosed with vocal cord paralysis after 3 weeks in the NICU and had to get a trach so that he could breath through an incision in his neck. So Aidan is almost 15 months old now and words can't express how ready we are to be rid of the trach & g-tube (feeding tube in Aidan's stomach). It has been a looooong and trying road but the time has finally come. At our last visit with the trach doctor he told us that Aidan's left vocal cord is completely paralyzed but his right one is compensating for the left one. He can get the trach out!! He couldn't get it out right then because he needs to have surgery so the doctor can take a look inside and make sure everything is as it should be. He is scheduled for surgery on November 13th. He won't get the trach out right then but very shortly after. During the surgery they will laser any granulation that he might have and check for reflux. What an exciting time this is for us! Let the countdown begin!!!!! 6 DAYS!!
These are things I'm excited for...

I'm excited to go to the beach and let him play in the sand instead of sitting in the pack-n-play
I'm excited to go to the beach and let him play in the sand instead of sitting in the pack-n-play
More things I'm excited for tomorrow!
I can't tell you how much I love this boy! Ever since the moment I saw him being born I knew that he was going to always be such a special little man in my life! I really am greatfull everyday to have such a sweet spirit in my family. Aidan has shown us all the strength that we never knew we had. I love you Aidan and I can't wait till you finally get what you have worked so hard for!
How exciting! What a long hard road you guys have made it through! It is amazing the things people take for granted and I can see those things whith your lst of little things you are excited for. But really they are big things! How fun! CONGRATS AND GOOD LUCK!
We will pray that all goes well and that he will be a free boy soon. Oh how fun for you guys! And Maya is just adorable! We really need to get together again soon. :)
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