This morning we got up at 4:30am to get ready to go to the hospital. I was so nervous I had a really hard time sleeping. The nerves started to fade as soon as we met with the anesthesiologists. They were both very nice and seemed very competent. We got to the hospital at 5:45am, checked in and then went to a waiting room where they gave Aidan some medicine that made him groggy. As soon as he was groggy enough not to put up a fight they took him away. This is a video of Aidan feelin' a little loopy.
Changing Aidan into his hospital gown.Rich and I were in the cafeteria grabbing a bite when they called us over the hospital intercom. We rushed to the recovery room where a lethargic little Aidan was drinking a bottle and watching Curious George
I could tell that he wasn't completely aware of what was going on because when we called his name he just kept staring off into space.
He sure looked cute in his little hospital crib with his puppy.
Right when we walked in his nurse told us of the wrestling match she had with Aidan. She said he had her pinned. Apparently when Aidan came to and didn't know where he was or what was going on he threw a fit! She said he was kicking and screaming! She commented on what a fighter he is. They were finally able to calm him down with a bottle of juice. He was tired and hungry...I would probably do the same for food :)
It wasn't long before he was up and playing. The drugs still hadn't worn off but he insisted on sitting up, after he realized he couldn't stand.
He was having a really hard time sitting up but he would get so mad when we would try to make him stay lying down.
Pictures of Aidan's trachea:
This is what it's supposed to look like.

That makes me so sad but happy at the same time. I can't wait to see you guys and mostly for josy and Aidan to play again! Lots of love from back home!
YAY for Aidan! We're so excited for you guys!
I'm glad I'm finally back online. I had a lot to catch up on with your blog...wish I could have read the countdowns earlier...they were so exciting. I can see you are counting your blessings..what terrific parents. Someday you will look back on all this with the feeling "Did we really go through all of that?" What a blessed and beautiful family!
How fantastic for your family!! We'll send up some extra prayers on Monday for you & Rich, Aidan, & the doctors.
I want to know what the nurse oput in that bottle of juice. It must of been a real special brew. "Walk the line Aiden. Touch your nose. Have you been drinking bottles from this nurse?" I don't think he's gonna pass this test.
We are so excited for your sweet little Aidan. What a year it's been...and to think that Aidan won't even remember it! The little videos are too cute! We'll be praying for you guys and thinking of you on Monday!
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