The closer we get to Aidan's surgery, the more nervous I get. All of these crazy, scary thoughts have been running through my mind. The excitement is turning into fear. Mostly of the unknown. Because of these thoughts and the fear, the past couple of days have been different. I feel so much gratitude. Even just writing about my thoughts and feelings is getting me all choked up. I don't have ANY regrets and that feels really good. I can honestly say that I have lived every moment with him to the fullest. I adore him and show him that every minute of every day. I know that everything is going to go fine. It's not even a major surgery, it's very minor but when it's your baby boy it feels like a huge deal. Hormones! It's my hormones that have me all out of whack! So here it is. My completely overreacting, emotional, hormonal post. Please keep Aidan in your prayers. And pray for me that I'll get off of this emotional roller coaster!
You are so cute. I will pray for him but especially you. He will be fine. You will be a wreck. I think thats what being a mom is about. Your crazy...right?
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